
Our family is what makes We are a compact team of professionals with a humanist point of view. We are committed to the transformation of traditional legal services who are able to integrate their legal knowledge with experience in the ecosystem of entrepreneurship and creative industries to offer our clients the best advice, which sometimes transcends legal landscapes.

inBernardo Tamez

Lawyer in Mexico and California, CEO & Founder

What makes me get up every morning and feel enthusiastic about my profession is to sit down and talk with an entrepreneur and hear about how he/she wants to solve a problem that someone suffers every day. I feel that the pure state in which the entrepreneur dreams of helping is the optimal state of the human being. That state in which you feel pleasure to help someone, without more interest than helping.
Sitting down to talk with entrepreneurs about business models aimed at solving specific social problems is what makes us get up every day with enthusiasm for our profession It is very common for entrepreneurs to dream, become interested and get involved with others in order to generate ideas that benefit both society and the entrepreneur. We constantly see how a startup develops through countless obstacles and we love its attitude of challenging the system with new solutions, that tenacity they have of making things work when many are saying “no”. We want to achieve the development of the legal culture among entrepreneurs in Mexico, so that if an enterprise fails, it is due to external factors and not due to legal issues. Being an entrepreneur and developing as such undoubtedly implies knowledge of the laws and agreements. We have to leave them in a good position to promote more ventures at the same time.

inOriana Mazón

Lawyer & COO

Mexico has become a scene for the ecosystem of entrepreneurship and creative industries. We are immersed in a generational movement that proposes new business models with great potential, the adoption and development of existing or new technologies, new and better work schemes, as well as the real creation of community. As lawyers, we are a service discipline and our Industry is not immune to these challenges; working with entrepreneurs and creatives we realized the importance of the conscious design of our own services so that they are completely human centered. Working with entrepreneurs and creatives fosters our multidisciplinary and receptive vision, an unusual feature within our profession. This has given us the opportunity to share the emotions and dreams of our customers and in consequence, become a team with the same ideals, respect and love for what we do.

inAndrea González Cano

Admin & Ops


We want you to feel supported at all times, regardless of your needs. We offer you access to ourLMMX network of allies of legal and non-legal complementary services for the ecosystem of entrepreneurship and creative industries:

